Humberlea Worship Centre exists
to connect people with God

We have the following activities...
Worship Service – Sundays at 11:30 am (In Person/Livestream)
Bible Focus Groups – Sundays from 10:15 to 11:15 am (In Person)
KIDS Church – Sundays at 11:30 am (In Person)
Faith in Action Prayer Service – Wednesdays at 10:00 am (In Person)
Prayer Service – Fridays at 7:30 pm (In Person)
Friday Night Hope – Fridays at 7:30 pm (In Person)
Blaze Youth – Fridays at 7:45 pm (In Person)
Worship Rehearsal – Thursdays at 7:00 pm

What we do

Gather | Grow | Go

It's what moves us

This is our primary starting point in our vision at Humberlea. We gather, in many different groups, we gather with different ages, we gather online and we gather in so many different ways. We gather under one name, the name of Jesus. We gather for one purpose, to life up the name of Jesus. We gather because we need each other and we gather because we are the body of Christ.
Growing should be a byproduct of gathering. Once we gather, we need to grow, we need to grow in Christ. We grow because it is imperative to know who we are in Christ. Without growth, we become stagnant and drift away from our purpose and the destiny that God has for us. We desire growth at Humberlea for more productive Christian Living.
As Christians, are called to go and share the Good News with the world. We cannot keep the Good News of the gospel of Jesus Christ to ourselves. We must GO and share the the salvation message of Jesus, we must go into all the world. All the world is literally right here in Toronto. Just take a look at your neighbour, look at your community, all the world is here, we just need to GO and share the loving message that God has saved the world of its sins through Jesus and the power of the Cross and the Resurrection.

We're here to help
How can we pray for you?

Prayer Request Form

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